Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > fire breathing and eating Techniques

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13 posts

hi i am new here and ive mastered my poi Techniques and ive stared fire breathing and fire eating i have the basics fire breathing for but it needs improvment any tips will be happily recived biggrin

Its Better To Burn out Than Fade Away

mtbeerGOLD Member
529 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Save yourself! don't do it biggrin

A knowledgable person once told me. If you want to learn fire breathing, go find an old fire breather (one who has been doing it for many years) and ask them. Chances are that they are dead or would not dare teach another.

A few people I know do it but one day I'll convince them to stop. smile

Edit: Oh, and welcome to HoP! weavesmiley

"My skin is singed but it heals my heart and with glowing pride I'll wear my scars." -Davey Havok

13 posts

ok but ive already started to it and i intend to continue and i look forward to discussing other things with you smile

Its Better To Burn out Than Fade Away

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Oops! You've posted an extremely popular topic in the wrong section!

Please do a 'search' and you'll find TONS of information about fire breathing in the technical section as well as several 'articles'.

We try not to create to many redundant threads so information will be easier to find when we do need it.


Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Hi pyro15 and welcome to HOP.

Any discussion about fire breathing on this board is going to be liberally laced with warnings and safety issues, and that's the way it should be.

A lot of us here know people who've been killed or maimed, even when doing fire breathing with strict safety practices.

Sometimes people coming to HOP find it really annoying when they simply want to get/exchange technical tips, because they see the safety stuff as not being what they're wanting to talk about, and maybe feel that people are getting at them in some way.

Be assured that that is not the case.

I'm sure you can see that anyone mature and responsible enough to be wanting to discuss fire breathing, should be able to see the real value of pushing safety issues and stressing the dangers of fire breathing.

One thing that is often pointed out here is that anyone can stumble across these threads from a search engine enquiry- in that situation it's very valuable to have on the thread stuff about the injuries and safety issues.

I think that, probably more than any other resource, on or off-line, HOP has reached the most number of people who otherwise would have tried fire breathing without any understanding of its true dangers, and made them think twice.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

13 posts

sorry i put it in the wrong place

Its Better To Burn out Than Fade Away

1 post

on youtube in search bar type "kmsmtv" that's me in 1984, still no job burnout at age 65. breath control is essential ie. yoga technique, spitting out a stream can be done but it can be like lighting a fuse to a barrel of gas. practice creating a mist through pursed lips with water. a powerful push of all air at once. expelling all fluid hard enough so none get's on face. when you are confident in your control, then add a fuel, I'm not revealing what fuel I use as I will not be held responsible for anyone who wants to attempt fire eating without full knowledge of the dangers that are possible, and safety precautions should be taken including having someone with you

12 posts

I'm really reluctant to try this one. And I think I don't like the smell and taste of oil.

crimheadSILVER Member
15 posts

If you are interested in fire breathing but adverse to liquid fossil fuels, I suggest looking into white flour or lycopodium.

Also I suggest starting a fresh thread in the correct section rather than to necro a thread that was off topic 13 years ago. ;)

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