Tribal NouveauSILVER Member
Fire Tribal & Indian Fusion Belly Dance
4 posts
Location: Hawaii, USA

Aloha everyone! My name is Laura (aka Tribal Nouveau). I live in Kailua-Kona on the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii. I'm a Virgo/Libra with a Leo rising. My day job is owning and running a Pilates, Dance, Massage studio.

My "other job" is as a Tribal Fusion Belly Dancer (which is where fire now comes into play). My fave props in Belly Dance are the fan veils and sword. I'm looking forward to putting those skills to use for my fire toys.

I'm married to a great guy, who is my safety guy, fuel loaded, prop organizer, camera guy, bouncer, body guard, chauffeur, and all round awesome dude. We also own a martial arts school - I've got my 2nd degree black belt, he's got his third. We teach weapons (escrima, nunchuku, bo staff, sword, sai, and more) along with American Karate, Sparring, and Brazilian Jiu jutsu. My favorite color is purple smile.

My current toy list is: two pairs of fans (one spider web, one large lotus), one orb, and fire bowls (the tibetan bowl kind).

I've just made the journey into playing with fire. I've played with Voi Poi (poi with a bellydance silk veil on the end). My dance sister is a professional fire dancer and teacher in Maui. She's passed me the fire bug. smile he he he I've now done two performances with my fire bowls. This weekend will be my first burn with the spider web fans. My lotus fans and the orb are on their way to me from Home of Poi (of course) and should be here any day now. I've got a gig coming up in 3 weeks. Looking forward to using all of my toys.

I'm wanting to learn about making a pair of fire escrima sticks. (Sticks are the length of your arm.)

I'm super stoked to have found a great community here, and I look forward to playing with these toys (and more) and blending my dance background and martial arts background into some awesome creative moving artwork.


CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

welcome, Kona.

Great introduction, sounds like almost every forum on the net will benefit from your membership!

Can you fill me in a bit more on what an escrima stick is?

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Tribal NouveauSILVER Member
Fire Tribal & Indian Fusion Belly Dance
4 posts
Location: Hawaii, USA

Aloha Charles,

An Escrima stick is a "weapon" used in Kali (Filipino Martial Arts). It is used similar to a sword, but with the intent to break rather than slice.

I've done Martial Arts forms (Kata) with Escrima, envisioning defending one's self against an unseen enemy. Thought it might look kinda cool on fire! Wondering what I would use. Perhaps some fire wands?

Wonder if anyone has done anything like that before.

And thanks for the welcome.


420BoNGHiTzSILVER Member
3 posts
Location: USA

Hella cool im from ocean view on the big island of hawaii but have recently moved to Oregon and am a constant fire/poi spinner nice to meet you.Do you know escrima becuase my brother practices Silat which is similar but from indonesia and he was looking to learn escrima
EDITED_BY: 420BoNGHiTz (1361916921)
EDIT_REASON: needed to add more


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