Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > Poi Workshops in UK with Thomas Johansson (nevisoul) & G

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festivalfaeryPLATINUM Member
5 posts
Location: Hong Kong

Due to popular demand we have decided to repeat both workshops, therefore changing the times and dates of previous workshops set.

So on Saturday 10th July we are offering Beginner - Intermediate & Intermediate - Advanced and the same series again on Sunday 11th July.

WE KINDLY REQUEST THAT IF YOU ARE TAKING BOTH WORKSHOPS TO TAKE THEM ON THE SAME DAY, THIS WILL ALLOW US TO OFFER MORE PLACES FOR OTHERS TO LEARN POI. PLUS IT WILL HELP KEEP YOU IN THE ZONE TO HONE YOUR FLOW. (With additional benefits of keeping your costs down for traveling & accommodation, plus the chance to take the beginners workshop if you only have a free Sunday). It's a WIN smile

The workshops are £25.00 each or two for £40.00.
We also have parking available.

Beginner - Intermediate:

Date: Saturday 10th July 2010 & Sunday 11th July 2010
Where: Davey Close, Greenstead Road, Colchester, United Kingdom:
Start time 12.00 noon until 14.30:

Pendulums - More than just a swinging poi, pendulums are a world of possibility in arm and body positioning, they convey control and elegance and hold a lot of space for artistic expression. Pendulums are very versatile through the number of patterns with which they share positions

Turning - Turns can come from many same time and split time moves and is a great way to link moves together.

The Weave - The classic, iconic poi move, yet it carries so much potential and is a gateway to a lot of exploration in movement in poi spinning.

Stalls - A great way to change direction and switch between different types of moves. Stalls also offer a great visual contrast from constant spinning and are really fun for beat emphasis when spinning to music.

Intermediate - Advanced:

Date: Saturday 10th July 2010 & Sunday 11th July 2010
Where: Davey Close, Greenstead Road, Colchester, United Kingdom
Start time: 15.30 - 18.00

Body Tracing - Great practice for your plane control and brings with it an amazing element of grace as you draw lines and arcs across and around your body.

Meeting Points - Add a serious amount of definition to the patterns that you are creating and develop a lot of possibilities for musicality and 'hitting beats'. Working on meeting points will improve your timing, plane control, accurate hand positioning and spacial awareness.

Isolations and Hybrids -

More Stalls - Taking your stalls to the next level with patterns, sequences. More stalls in more places, more of the time.

Please reply to to confirm which workshops you would like to attend, then I will give you details on how to pay to confirm your place to your personal email.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


EDITED_BY: festivalfaery (1271965350)

Poppy-roseBRONZE Member
30 posts
Location: Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

any chance in coming to Wiltshire?? Swindon Preferably!

Poppys will always be close to your heart.

DaedraSILVER Member
The Dae Walker
75 posts
Location: UK, Kent, Canterbury

I'm actually bummed because I can't make either of those days frown Though I'll be cheeky and say, if there was a DVD done of the two classes however, I would pay VERY handsomely for them grin

Once my father gave me a kiwi... I thought it was a rodent and I stroked it until all the fur fell out - White Ninja

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