Forums > Videos > Josh lighting up 4 firestaffs

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TaniapyroGOLD Member
7 posts
Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Hi guys. It's the first (and only time so far) that Josh has lit up 4 staffs. Would appreciate any comments

philisweatlySILVER Member
life's a garden, dig it
115 posts
Location: Tennesse, U.S.A.

you looked a little stiff and rigid while spinning. But, it must be more difficult to be fluid while holding on to all that weight. Some of the weave stuff looked pretty cool as well. It just looks like you are straining to do some moves. Keep it up man.


TaniapyroGOLD Member
7 posts
Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Hey dude,
Josh is a 1 finger typist so im being his 'receptionist' in return for a cup of tea :O) He said: Yeah, it's definately hard to stay fluid whilst 'dodging' 8 points of fire!!! Its a work in progress, will keep at it!
Thanks for your reply, Tania n Josh :O)

6,650 posts

Tanja, try to add some music in PP other than that: little more practise and off ya go...

also I like the firesword moves and especially the jumps in the other video smile what I don't like is "the other, empty hand"...

apart from that clap
EDITED_BY: FireTom (1245208325)

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

TaniapyroGOLD Member
7 posts
Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Hey FireTom! Yay! You've inspired me to pull my finger out and get to grips with the video editing programme that I've had for ages but been far too suspicious of to use! It's actually not that difficult after all so I'm gratefull for your comment which has spurred me into action!

I've not added music to Joshs 4 staff clip yet though. I thought I'd practice on some other footage first before I go crashing 'You Tube'. I've uploaded my first edited clip and have more to upload but I'll have to do that tomorrow as its late now.

Your comment about 'the other empty hand' made me laugh! Bloody pyro! I cant wait to go and tell Josh to 'sort it out!'
By the way, whats the photo on your profile pic? I cant work it out?


6,650 posts

try Sony Vegas, it's reasonably priced and you find TONS of tutorials on the web... the Platinum 9 even has tutorials inbuilt... I dig it because it's rrealllly eassy to handle wink and my editing skills have improved tremend over the past month (30 days free test period for Vegas Platinum 9 wink wink wink

the "empty hand" really is a common problem as usually all attention is fixed on "wooooooow, I'm playing ... and with fire" sometimes easier to relax and not go 180k's an hour... remember that spinning ain't an autobahn wink

My pic is me.... well at least my tummy, behind a massive firewall dun with firebraids grin

keep shining


the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

TaniapyroGOLD Member
7 posts
Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Ah! so thats what your picture is!

Yeah, i've got cyberlink Power Director, as thats what our mate has used for our previous video footage. I've seen him use it a few times so it's been easy to use and fairly intuitive too.

I agree about spinning not being an autobahn! but not about the empty hand thing. I dont think its a common problem, it's just what you enjoy doing!

We have just done some more filming of Josh with the fire sword and a staff at the same time so I hope u like it! Thats if I can upload it onto You Tube, it keeps saying 'an unknown error has occured' grrrrr! I will keep trying :O)

Have a good weekend :O)

6,650 posts

uploading sometimes can s.u.c.k. big time... if your settings are all the same as previously then you should be fine... sometimes, if the connection is very low or the connection is reset (obviously) it won't go thru...

keep shining


the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

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