AjtagThe occasional one...
445 posts
Location: nottingham

a Project that i am getting involved in.. hey take a look, and come and do something.. www.fanclubbers.orgi dont know what else to say other than check it out!

There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who dont.
Enjoy - A

98 posts

Yeah that's also a good idea.. go to www.adbusters.org for an awesome site of culture jamming.. and also read KAlle Lasn's book Culture Jam. Jon I.

---Formerly known as RaverRomantic---

AIM: RaverRomantic

AjtagThe occasional one...
445 posts
Location: nottingham

on fanclubs link page there is the adbusters site and loads of other quite handy links..and fanclub are involved with adbusters.it is really getting big quick!

There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who dont.
Enjoy - A

286 posts

fight the power!Walmart sucks!

~whoosh whoosh whoosh~

AjtagThe occasional one...
445 posts
Location: nottingham

too right... contact fancub ade join the action.. go on it is a right laugh

There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who dont.
Enjoy - A

129 posts
Location: Sydney, Australia

...I agree with most of the sentiments behind this stuff....but...Pleeease remember that the shop assistants these people are being obnoxious to with this so called 'action' are not the ones making the decisions, they're as powerless as anyone else. In fact, (and I'd know, I used to work in a shitty deparment store when I was saving to go to uni) their supervisors and managers are probably pretty powerless too. They're being screwed over as much as everybody else, probably more - you think they like working for big companies that pay them peanuts and treat them like shit? Maybe some of them do, but I guarantee you a lot of them would much rather be somewhere else.....sometimes they don't have a choice....sometimes paying the rent or feeding the kids comes first. I don't mean to hassle you for doing what you think is right, but I do think it's important not to rush off fighting the vague evils of 'consumerism' or 'multinationals' without truly understanding how complex the situation is. Why are they bad? What exactly is it that you're angry about? What is the achievable alternative you're hoping for? What specific action do you want and who should it be taken by? I'm not meaning these as nasty rhetorical questions, I mean them as things that might be interesting to ask yourselves. Having vague sentiments of "bring down the system" or harrassing shop assistants may make you feel better, (and that's not a bad thing at all) but unless it's followed up with an intelligent alternative, it might not actually cause any positive change.Don't get me wrong......I think this society is fucked too, and i'm certainly not claiming to have the answers about how to fix it. But I'm sick of meeting intelligent people who have woken up and stopped blindly following the authority of the status quo, only to fall back to sleep by following another 'alternative' authority - the counter-culture of backlash against the "System" we've chosen to hate. Even though I agree with most of the aims of culture jamming, I think too many of the participants are acting blindly. The way I see it, if somebody tells you (for example) that Starbucks is bad, and you believe it, without checking their evidence and their reasons, and you run off and make placards and join the protest.........you may be right, because from what I've read, some of Starbucks trading practices are ethically questionable. BUT, in my eyes, you're still a sheep, because you didn't ask why. You may be a different colour sheep from the ones who consume mindless gameshows and Mcdonalds, but you're still running with *a* flock. I don't know, maybe you already know this stuff and I'm preaching to the converted. I hope so. I just thought I'd add my views.....I think that if you want to change things, you need to be specific, and you need to think for yourself. Really think for yourself.......ie don't do something just because it's the status quo, don't opt out just to rebel against the status quo, don't do it just because it's what a protest group says, don't opt out just to rebel against what the protest group says, don't believe something just because it's said by someone you usually agree with, don't disagree because it's said by someone that you personally don't like........do it because *you* believe in it. opt out because *you* think it's wrong. Just because it's fighting against something you don't believe in, doesn't necessarily mean that it's acting *for* something you *do* believe in. Find your own ethical core, don't let other people fill in the blanks and tell you what to be angry about. Read about it, educate yourself, question what you're told, be discerning about the information sources you trust (yes, even alternative media is wrong now and then) be inquisitive, ask why, volunteer for organisations you believe in, think for yourself. I hope most people out there already understand the distinction I'm trying to make, (and I hope you don't feel patronised by my ranting, it's not intentional). I don't expect everyone to agree though....when somebody tried to explain all this to me several years ago (when I was an angry-at-the-world teenager), I didn't understand it......I thought their words were empty and they'd just been sucked into following the "system" I hated. Years later i worked it out by myself and realised they were smarter than I thought. So I don't expect to be converting anybody to my way of thinking with this rant......the last thing I want is people following *me* blindly wink But, to those who don't agree with me or think I'm being unfair....at least give it some thought. You're intelligent enough to think for yourself :-)x(so why am I grumpy? to be vague, the "system" fucked me over. life decided once again to remind me that the world is an unfair place. that's okay. everybody needs to be reminded every now and then)[This message has been edited by xaeda (edited 28 October 2001).]

the memories fire, the rhythm falls slow....

19 posts
Location: Chch, Aotearoa

Hear hear

That is perfect. This is perfect. Perfect comes from perfect. Take perfect away from perfect, the remainder is perfect. May peace and peace and peace be everywhere. :)

AjtagThe occasional one...
445 posts
Location: nottingham

ok well sorry for the long wait till the reply, just havent been online.
i totally agree and although i have been sheep at one or two occasions the majority of the time i am following it becouse i agree with the protest, often it can be hard to get some raw information but i do my best to stay in the know.
i once was caught out as i had offered to help a freind give out leaflets halfway through reading what it said an angry punter came really hasseling me, asking questions, i knew enough to stop me from falling over but after a few mins i had explaned it so that taught me to make sure i know what i am doing.

i dont think it is a bad thing to be part of a group or do i just feel that this is a start and if it is in the direction i would wish to travel then i will go there.
in terms of the 'poor' shop assistants, most times they have more enjoyed it than found it to be bad although one or two i have felt slightly sorry for.

in terms of goals i dont know yet, this is happening and addmittedly i dont see the multinationals soiling themselves when we enter any shops just the security guards smiling as they are starting to learn.
but i think it is going in a better direction than where main stream sociaty is traviling at the moment so i think i will keep where i am
thankyou for you input though it is an intresting read and i think it is that we havent really come with anything better so it is keep going till we do
Enjoy - A

There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who dont.
Enjoy - A

89 posts
Location: coventry, midlands, uk

Well said Xeada!

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