AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I'd like to pose the question, what matters to you? What are your values? Where do you find meaning? Relationships matter to me. Connection matters to me. I so honor the amazingly close friendships I've been offered with other humans. I've also have nurturing relationships with animals and plants. Also with myself as a human in all aspects, physical and metaphysical. I do my best to care for all the relationships I have in life, whether in "real-time" or on a discussion board. Ritual also matters to me. The beauty of ritual is we each get to create meaning for ourselves. My ritual doesn't have to be your ritual. My meaning doesn't have to be your meaning. Ritual, to me, means things matter. Whatever those "things" are. It's an incredible relief to me in a world where seemingly nothing matters and everything is wrong. Operating on many levels at once is a value to me. I can adorn my body with paint and tattoos and hair dye and still be thoughtful enough to carry on a philosophical conversation and still feel enough to understand and validate other points of view. If one of us decides to create beauty in the world through physical adornment, however that manifests, that is their right and privelege to create beauty and my honor to receive it. I value communication done with respect for the relationships, ritual and manifold nature I've just written about. These are the things that matter to me. In the end, we each get to decide what matters to each of us. So, what matters to you? Thanks for reading.Diana

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

Well, a little off topic, but I just finished work for the day, so what the heck.Basically in order of importane: Good health matters. Conducting my life ethically matters--this means treating other people decently, not being too much of a resource-hog. Friends matter. Being informed matters--just keeping up with the news of the world feels like a second job sometimes. Doing a good job in my work is important. And--let's be crass--having a reasonably comfortable lifestyle is important. I'm hardly rich by the standards of Western society, although I am richer than 99.999% of all the humans who have ever lived. But I do have material comfort--a nice home, good food, I can afford to eat out or see a movie when I want. Being hungry, cold, and miserable tends to get in the way of all that other stuff (and I have been there, briefly).I am probably different from a lot of people on this forum in that I really have no spiritual life--no metaphysical beliefs.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hey, adam, thanks for your reply. I suppose it is off topic, but maybe it's really "under topic". I just wanted to illuminate some of the flamage flying around here lately. I guess by asking this, ok it is off topic, question to focus more on what matters. Some are about telling people what isn't important and others are defending themselves for what they consider to be important. I want to excourage a discussion about what's important to show that we all have things we care about for our own reasons. I can't say anyone would really like to be disrespected for what's important to them. On the flip side, I'll share a story. I was talking about some of my spiritual beliefs with a fella once and I was saying that I don't see god as a person, like many belief systems encourage. I see god as an experience, an experience that happens in the body, but nothing to be confused with human form. So, this fella starts going on about amusement parks and "God: The Ride". And as I'm arguing against this offense, he say, "So, you don't accept 'God: The Ride'?" "No" "But you do accept 'god the experience'?" "Yes" So, he say, see, if you don't accept it noone can do anything about your values. So I wanted to encourage arialtetsuo to get down and be real. Talk about what's important, rather launching a barrage of logical arguments and "you're so superficial". I also want to encourage the folx out there who might have been insulted by arialtetsuo's comments to know that whatever your values are, if you hold them true there's nothing anyone can say or do to change them. I forget sometimes in my little world, how much important goes on in the rest of the world. The whole thing of living simply is a big one for me too. Taking care of yourself, but living simply. Thank you, adam, for reminding me how rich we really are. Diana

22 posts
Location: kingston ontario canada

people matter to me whomever they be fore even if i dont understand where there coming fromdoing my best to keep the people around me thinking criticaly about the pirvlage that most of us enjoy and how we can use that privlege to benifit others do not have our means matters to mei value the people that have influenced my life both positivly and negativly fore more is learned from failure than with sucsessi value the fact that i live in a soicety that enables me to be able to achieve anthing that i want no matter what my heritage or race as long as i can persevere in the face of adversityand where do i find meaning in life i find it in the small thingssuch as whatching the sun rise after a long night of work(im a baker)the smell of lilocs in the springthe endless aray of coulors that nature creates every dayoverall the comunity of people that sorounds me the ones who help me when im busy who bring me up when im down are where i find meaning and value and being what matters the most to me and for that i am greatfuljessejames

burnin down the house

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Socarates said "the unexamined life is not worth living" He was wrong. Living your life, enjoying it....thats whats important. Spending your time analysing it and wondering if you are doing it right is the wrong way to go about it. I don't want to cheapen this by making an analogy ... but I will anyway! It's a bit like sex!

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

You really pose some of the most thoughtful questions Diana, it's one of the reasons I respect you so. That and I understand why you posted it.My answers are that I value people, those I know and love as well as those I do not. I am not saying I like everyone but I value the differences we all have in addition to the common threads which tie us together, and my place in that web. Though, while I value other people and thier thoughts I only take the opinions of a few to heart (and I *never* take thier advice they will tell you wink) because if I tried to please everyone all the time, then I would be miserable.I value **all** life for what it is, and hope I don't put expectations on things to be what they aren't. I value hard work, an education (though not necessarily the kind you get from school)knowledge and wisdom, and the power they have when combined.I value change and time and the path they carry me on with the full realisation that the dishes will wait until tomorrow while the good packing snow for a snow man might melt today. I enjoy every moment for what it is, a moment, then it is gone and the next is upon us to be savoured. I value the past, the girl I was once, that has shaped me into the woman I have grown to be and will continue to metamorph into.Trial and Error and taking risk matters to me. The here and now. My child's laughter.I have two motto's that I *try* to live by.1) Nothing is trivial. Not a bug, not a flower, not a cloud, not a tear or a smile. With each thing something is being impacted, whether we are aware of it or not.2) Dare to Suck. How do I know it sucks (or that I suck at it) unless I take the moment to try?Re-reading over this I sound sappy and hokey, I know but I have been thinking of this since you first posted it Diana and it really did take thought.Thank you.------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)

Health and happiness, mine, and of my family and friends, loving and being loved, knowing that I've done the best I possibly can, be it relationships, exams,work. If I don't succeed I remember the words of Beckett "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again, Fail again. Fail better". Live life to the full and find something positive in every day.Respect to you Diana - I can accept criticism but I hate other people shoving their views down other peoples throat. Everyone has something that is important to them in varying degrees of importance. If my house went on fire but everyone was safe I would mourn my belongings that are full of mementos. If somebody was hurt then belongings would hold no importance atall.But baby.. I am a material girl and I live in a material world (probably misquoted that great philosopher Madonna there, sorry fans!). Arieltestuo is to be applauded for her lack of material values, however I attach sentimental value to objects, a lamp from my boyfriend, a painting I have drawn, a cd that just blows my mind.I think that most people I know, and don't know are similarly 'sad' and become attached to unimportant things.Just as long as we remember what are the really important things to us (and it's probably not dreads or anime), thats what really matters.Peace!Kat ------------------"London is a city coming down from its trip and there's going to be a lot of refugees" - Danny,Withnail & I

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

21 posts

What you're all saying maybe not seem poi-related, but of course it is. There is something about poi which is attractive to people like us, people who connect with something deeper, people who love life, love themselves and love whats important to me? I am important to me, my wholeness is important, my journey through life, all my experiences good and bad are important. The people who touch me, who I love, who I try to always remember even after they've gone. Learning how to let go is important, how to not take my self to seriously, how to laugh at my absurd life and make other laugh when they hurt too.I could go on and on cos there's so much thats important to me, that makes me buzz, that matters, but that will do for now.(Oh and lots of great sex is important.)xxxdiskoxxx


AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Thank you all so much for joining me in this post. I feel so cozy about this board, about having connections of love and respect with people I never met. Thank you. Diana

SimosBRONZE Member
384 posts
Location: London, UK

Risking to sound very shallow i applaud disko for mentioning lots of great sex! grinA philosophical debate between Socrates and Juggleloser sounds like a very interesting possibility, too bad Socrates cannot post here Juggleloser - i am sure you would have given him a hard time wink ... on the more serious side i think Juggleloser has a point although i certainly think that we should question things and do a bit of thinking too, not only sex smile ( hmmmm i wonder if i really mean that grin ) - i do believe that relationships of all sorts ( yes that includes some dead cells like the sea for example juggleloser smile - water is another element i like a lot, as long as it's not coming down from the sky!) are important to me; the quest for knowledge, peace, health, happiness, love, respect, friendship, honesty are some of the things i value highly; on the lighter side and since i am convinced that life is not to be taken too seriously as juggleloser pointed out (and is applying it in various ways on this board tongue ) i should say that having fun with my friends, flirting, poi, sex (not again!!! what's wrong with me???), martial arts, chillin' out on the beach, swimming and dancing are some of the things i enjoy the most... oh well lots of other things too but...i have to find some glowsticks soon so byeeeeee,Simos

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Spread the word! Lets all cool down and remove our heads from our asses. Examining our navels is a real bore. Personally I prefer not to have relationships with inanimate objects (flesh is always best). And as I am not a killer or rapist or violent thug I believe I can pretty much get through life by keeping cool, hanging around with mates (all of whom are on my wavelegnth and are never offended by my little jests) and keeping myself content without unintentionally screwing anyone over. Thats all there is to say on the subject of morals... as I am content with my own unimportance I won't wax lyrical about my relationship with the universe. I'm never going to be a world leader so I never have to think seriously about how my smallest action affects others.I do as I like and the rest is out of my hands. It's not really THAT complicated is it?

SimosBRONZE Member
384 posts
Location: London, UK

it's good to see that you are adopting the 'Change what you can, accept what you cannot change and have the wisdom to tell the difference' way of life juggleloser...god i hated that sentence the first time i've heard it - i am beginning to accept it though, as long as one truly has the wisdom to tell the difference...and if this sounds as hot air to you let's just put it in another way - i totally agree with you juggleloser on the part about your unimportance (haha nothing personal, i hope you can see what i am saying smile ) - but how much you worry about your actions affecting others, that's a personal my opinion every individual's easy (and selfish) to be dragged into a 'prisoner's dilemma' kind of behaviour. It is noble not to!!! however as i truly believe everybody is selfish by definition, it's up to you to either accept it and adopt an appropriate way of life or 'fight it', realizing that humans are special in that we are the first 'species' on the planet who have the ability to such complex reasoning and understand the 'game' nature and our genes are playing and try and change it...i still haven't decided on which side i am on...maybe by posting this i have even proved your point since i have bored everyone winki really enjoy reading about your outlook on life - the only part that puzzles me is figuring out if the fact that you are posting here means that you don't think you are so unimportant after all - i mean what would be the point of posting what you think if you were sure about your outlook on life, you think discussing it is boring and you think your post won't change anything...(oh and please don't tell me the reason is because you are bored wink ),sorry for boring everyone to death, i guess i am bored too... grinSimos

2 posts
Location: Montreal

Happiness matters to me. Other peoples state of well being and thats where in the end I get mine. Peace..

Dance like no one is watching...

341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Hmmmm.... interesting discussion. thanks for starting this thread Dianna.Juggleloser,You said something that sparked my interest
I never have to think seriously about how my smallest action affects others. I do as I like and the rest is out of my hands.
Is this truely how you live your life? This is not a criticism. I respect your right to live your life in any way you wish. I'm just genuinely interested. Really. Perhaps because I live my life so differently to the way you live yours. I can't imagine not taking an interest in how my actions affect others.Please indulge me smile

104 posts
Location: Brisbane QLD Australia

life is for living,dont try to control what actions are made, dont make them harsh to others, but trying to control the uncontrolable can only end in one way, life cant be difined so easy in a sentance, but living through existance, u cant explain, just feel. dont define, enjoy.i aint sayn that thinking of lifes outcomes or reason etc (cant find a word to suit it) is wrong, i used to do that to often where life just became a chore, i found to live it, unplaned, undefined makes it more enjoybale,well thats just my ideas

45 posts
Location: Bishop's Stortford, UK

In rply to the original question:You know when you drive cross-country to the sea-side, and as you crest that hill, and see the sea for the first time you get a kind of tingly-buzz? To me that is the esscence of magic, and I try to spend all my time living with that tingle! Easy as that... smileHappy (Gaian) SwingingTim /|\

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Firstly to Simos: About accepting what you cannot change... I don't think it's a matter of accepting but of realising it's unimportance.Realising that although we have alot of restraints upon us (cash, gravity, work etc.) we can still do a hell of alot within those -- the greatest thing that holds us back is ourselves.I have lots of friends who work their asses off all the time and then complain how it gets them down - I don't work and I enjoy life far more than them (and often have more money!).There is nothing stopping those guys doing what they really want to except themselves. And my reasons for posting? I was passing through and saw everyone stressing out... so I thought i'd say my piece and maybe inspire someone to take it easy!And to Finn: Well you already know that I don't go out of my way to hurt people and that i'm not a cruel guy... One thing I also believe in is peoples own responsibility for themselves... so if I accidentally upset some neurotic person by doing or saying something mundane then I'm sorry but they've also got to realise that it's their own attitude that hurts them... Hope that doesn't sound too brutal! For example: Say I really fancied a girl but she wasn't interested - is it her fault that i am upset? I don't think so. Yes I do take an interest in how my actions affect others but I also believe that I am a pretty decent guy and if I do upset anyone then it is through an accident that i cannot control.So why worry?

23 posts
Location: bristol

what matters to me.......... all life, the people around me, my brothers my friends,the smiles on faces,the spring in my step when I poi.I have a little poem or afermation which I say to myself. work as if you don,t need the money, love as if you have never been hurt before,and dance/poi as if your on your own. love ,light and lots of fun to you all Rhi

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Oh, I love this thread. I found an interesting subject that juggleloser brought up. "The unexamined life is not worth living" being untrue. To me, this is a paradox. The richness of life, to me, comes from deepening my understanding of myself and my world. Of course, if I'm naveling gazing all the time I'm not really experiencing the world as it is. I know where my navel is, to borrow the analogy, so I can speak from my core without losing any of my immediate experience. It's been work, a really painful process for me. But I found the more I work at it the easier it becomes. Diana

2 posts
Location: Montreal

To juggleloser: I've learned - That your life can be changed in a matter of seconds by people who don't even know you. To everyone I'd like to share something that hit home for me.** This was found on a flyer.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been open by life's betrayls or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it. I want to know if you can be with JOY, mine or your own; if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can dissapoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayl and not betray your own soul. I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore be trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty everyday, and if you can source your life on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the moon. It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and dispair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children. It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesn't interest me where or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments." Oriah, Mountain Dreamer, Indian Elder Sandra aka Harmony smile

Dance like no one is watching...

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Leaflets like that are two-a-penny, a typical selling technique.

ffirebellGOLD Member
44 posts
Location: Aotearoa, New Zealand

Hey all, Harmony, that leaflet is beautiful, and so is what everybody has to say on this thread! I guess thats why leaflets like that are free, along with what they're trying to 'sell'. This has been a real heart warming, thought provoking thread, thanx for starting it Diana. Its reminded me what matters to me, family, friends, honour, repect, love, etc... May the fire be with you! Fairie fire Bell

Fairie's wear boots.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Thank you for your insight juggleloser, it's well appreciated. I'll try and keep it in mind the next time I come across something I keep cherished and would like to share with others.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Dear Diana,I'm not going to bother injecting any passion into this argument because I feel the whole topic is too broad and can't be contained within the confines and experiences of this little newsgroup. (I don't know how many people come here but I know its not anything like the number of people who live in a non-third world lucky country).You and a lot of the people on here seem to spend too much time in front of your computer, in your own houses, in your own country and in your own security. I'm speaking very generally here because I have to considering what I am trying to say.I spent a few months in a country where people struggled to make ends meet, struggled to put food on the table, keep warm, keep healthy etc. These people have to eat their pets when there's was nothing else. A conclusion I came to when I was there that if lucky people spent less time smearing on their make-up, worrying about what they're wearing and how they look, dieting etc etc etc then maybe they could try to do something positive like give back some of the good fortune they have received from birth. Joining certain protest groups, tried riding a bicycle instead of using a car and adding to the mass intoxicating pollutants that are baking as more and more everyday. ANYTHING. Imagine how much progress we'd have if people replaced the thought of "how do I look" everyday with maybe a thought of "what can I do today to help the earth since its under such mass destruction?" Sadly a lot of people seem attached to their own little bubbles.So while you may be sitting there patting yourself on the back for having your morals, rituals, dreads, books and whatnot - there's a world out there that is screaming for your help. And there are innocent people who don't even know what any of the above things are. They're all part of our world and I get the feeling that a lot of you don't actually have any idea how urgently we need to act.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Again,I'm quoting you Diana"I also want to encourage the folx out there who might have been insulted by arialtetsuo's comments to know that whatever your values are, if you hold them true there's nothing anyone can say or do to change them."That's the precise thing that gets to me. You seem to be saying its okay to live in a bubble."I forget sometimes in my little world, how much important goes on in the rest ofthe world. The whole thing of living simply is a big one for me too. Taking care of yourself, but living simply. Thank you, adam, for reminding me how rich we really are."Try reminding yourself every single day when you wake up - how lucky you are not to have machine guns firing at your house - how lucky you are that you slept in an actual bed the night before etc etc.

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
2,758 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

arialtetsuo: I appreciate your principles, but I really think you would receive far more credit and generate a healthier discussion if you avioded lacing your posts with negativity.Honestly honey, people here already see you as the token stereotypical malcontent. I understand people like you, I'm a bit like you myself...I struggle to not 'take the bait' sometimes. It gets very predictable very quickly and more often than not, you land the role of victim.I personally would appreciate a more approachable argument from you, rather than fending off (imminent) blows etc.breathe easy and Smile.

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Is it the Truth?
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AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I think living right, and exploring what that actually means to me and to others is whats important to me. If someone thinks something harmless about something - dont matter much (this I've found). If someone, wants to soapbox and tell others how to behave, and what to think - it dont matter much (as long as you dont have to listen to it, and it makes em happy).I think feeling happy is good. As long as that happy ness comes from living right...not hurting ppl etc etc etc etc etc.What matters to me? The Environment. People's happiness. Freedom. in that order.Who cares if you live in a bubble, as long as you are living right? I might be completely self-sufficient living in the outback on my organic farm, and know nothing of the 'outside world' = living in a bubble. is that wrong? would I spend my time better throwing rocks at passing cars on the motorway? (as a protest to the polution?)And besides. EVERYONE lives in a bubble. The bubble is called perception. There is no 'real' world. There is only your perception of how things are. Not understanding that is as much a limitation as not reading the news websites everyday (in fact I'd say it's more of a limitation - but thats just my judgement based on my perceptions limited as they are smile).Nobodies perfect, but the world IS being stuffed up. and there ARE too many ppl on the earth to return to a villiage / agricultural society - so we have to do the best we can. I ride to work, and I dont eat meat. I sign the petitions, I hang with environmental activists. I work in a field which I feel has the potential to save the human race (Web Development) from itself. I twirl. I'm happy most of the time cuz I've got wicked friends who have similar values. I shake my head everytime I see some 18 year old kid dropping a burnout in his V8. I dont want to get all worked up about it tho...whats the point in that? change will only come after many generations...the memes take a long time to expire. I'm interested in stuff and learning about stuff makes me happy.If this all seems overly simplified, well thats cuz I think that this whole understanding life thing is in general oversimplified in itself...and if you think thats oversimplified thats cuz...I might add, that this is the kind of discussion I thoroughly enjoy. Thanks for the opportunity to share, Diana. And thanks to everyone else for the insight. It's nice to see what other twirling ppl have going on in their heads smile ------------------[Josh][Sound beams producing arcs of light][This message has been edited by [Josh] (edited 01 February 2001).]

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Arialtetsuo, I'm sorry you've taken affront with what I've said. I suppose I could have been kinder to you, more understanding of the position you find yourself in. I put out what matters to me in a straight forward honest way to encourage others to open up, especially you. The intention, though imperfectly executed, was to create a safe space to communicate in this thread. See, it can take a bit of courage for all of us to express ourselves honestly. Believe me, it was a risk for me to write that post. So, please, arialtetsuo, what matters to you? Diana

43 posts
Location: Pretoria, South Africa

If I may pop in quickly — sorry, you're all probably waiting - with bated breaths - for Arialtetsuo's answer........What matters here is that everbody spoke the truth. Because: there is a price you pay every time you don't put your body/mouth where your heart is.You don't want to go through life betraying yourself constantly, do you?------------------*WC*[This message has been edited by WildChild (edited 01 February 2001).][This message has been edited by WildChild (edited 01 February 2001).]


ykaterinaBRONZE Member
107 posts
Location: east randolph, VT USA

well, arialtetsuo...i think it really depends on the person you [one] are [is]. i understand your point, and i felt that way too the first time i lived in a downtrodden country. completely overwhelmed by the need in the world and our - we the fortunate - utter lack of response. the very first thing i did, incidentally, was give up makeup, because i learned to see it as a lie - making myself something i wasn't - and a waste of time better spend elsewhere. i went about trying to enflame all the people back home to my cause, but it always seemed to me that they didn't understand or care enough...since then i've spent 5 years outside of this country, and my thoughts have changed a lot. deepened, and grown, and the simplest way to put it is: everyone is at a different place in life. everyone is growing and learning different things at different rates. so maybe you've learned something that the rest of us haven't learned yet, or maybe you're halfway through a lesson some of the others have long behind them, and in general it will be quite difficult to tell until you're on the other side. [ where i keep realizing i wasn't the last time i thought i was there. wink ]and the end fact of the matter is: everybody's got to be somewhere. we can't all just hop on a flight to the down-trodden-country-du-jour and "fix" everything, cause that's not the way the world works. everyone is where they are and the best thing they can do is be the best person they are where they are. follow their own journey. that journey takes some of us to far off places where we think we're helping and sometimes, we actually are. more than anything we're growing, and learning to remember that helps to put the things we're learning along the way in terms that the growing people around us can understand.i am not who i was yesterday...and i'm grateful for this community, where we, who haven't most of us met, care enough to speak deeply about the things that are important to us.

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

I also need to say my part here =) I understand what it is too, what you, arialtetsuo are saying. I want you to know that "everything is perfect as it is" in the sense that we are- as a human race are doing what it is we are supposed to be doing. We are making some massive mistakes as a general whole I do not doubt that - but it is each to their own path and as you may have already found out, a lot of people simply will not understand what you might be saying. Scary it is, some of the things that are happening today. It also boggles my mind how certain trivial issues have become so important and worrying for some people. I do not believe you are lacing your arguments with negativity - I think it is perhaps more worry? on your part? The future may sometimes appear a little to scary to everyone. (Though some people will refuse to admit it =) ) I believe everyone should try and stick together - a little understanding and caring goes such a long way, all around the globe =) And I also do not think arialtetsuo is the only one who is feeling a little stressed =)


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