Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > 5 beat weave!!!!???!!! Anyone?!?!

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63 posts
Location: Victoria, BC

GRRRR!!! Ok, so I have the 5 beat weave, it looks beautiful, but apparently i'm doing it wrong?!?! With the right hand, I most definately do 3 beats on the right, and 2 on the left. I've got it down beautifully in reverse as well, but again 3 beats on the wrong side...I dont get it *pouts*
Anyone? Suggestions???
Luv Stace

We risk sanity for moments of temporary enlightenment, each thought overcome by anticipation of the next, we take the breaks off

TomSILVER Member
135 posts
Location: England

*In most polite and helpful sounding voice*
Space you shouldn't repeat topics cos it annoys some of our fellow HoPers. Also, its quite likely to be closed down.

If you haven't already tried a search on 5 beat I'd recomend it. Its been discussed loads.
Here's a couple (out of the 146 results) to be getting started with:

NEED HELP - 4/5 beat weave

i need help with 5b fwd weave!

7-beat weave

517 posts
Location: Sheffield, England

ooops... sorry to have confused you Space, you are doing it right. I've written it wrong. I wonder how many people have been confused by that before and never said anything.... thanks for pointing it out.

Jo (blushing)

Educate yourself in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

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