AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Anyone have any ideas on how to approach making one's style more fluid and continuos? I know a lot of individual moves, as well as the turns, and I can go from a weave to a windmill and around to a backward weave, but that's about as fancy as it gets. Is there anything specific I can do to help make my routine more fluid?

FrenzieBRONZE Member
515 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

practicing the transitions, takes time, but eventually it gets easier and smoother and you wonder how u ever couldnt do it!------------------ - Industrial design knows of no article more useful than the milk crate -**Updates to page coming shortly**

- Industrial design knows of no article more useful than the milk crate -

48 posts
Location: MD, USA

I like using wraps to transition between weave-like moves and butterfly-like moves.The easiest is like this. Do a forward weave When your left poi is on your left, and your right poi is crossing over to your left, isntead of crossing your left poi top your right, extend your left arm, and wrap your right poi on your left arm, then unwrap, and you will be left with a forward butterfly on your left. Play with that, the same wrap works on other planes, and directions, and u can use a similar wrap to go from butterfly to weave.oh, i just thought of something: if you do fire, its prolly hard to do wraps, so Im not sure what else you could do.BTW, while we're on the subject, are there other transitons that dont involve wraps?

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

um - firstly, no-one (I've ever seen, and I've seen some good twirlers) achieves continuity. There is always room for for fluidity? um start off with going slowly. just move at a constant speed through your moves. develop some Transitions. There are videos on this site that have ppl doing some cool the Circles of Light video if you still are having trouble with transitions.Wraps are great for transitions, however if you are using fire, and you stil dont really know how to do any non-wrap transitions, its probly best for you to leave wraps until you are very confident in your skills.Wraps are fun and sometimes very clean ways of transitioning. They also allow you to do things you cant really do with out them (like turning 180 from fwd side circles to fwd side circles smileI think the best place for you to start is with the weave variants.try these-fwd to rvs weave (180 body turn) and back (lower fountain)-fwd to windmill to rvs and back (fountain)-fwd weave to corkscrew (180 body turn makes it easier IMHO).-butterfly to mexican wave to low waveonce you get these down solid, try (with non-lit poi) doing a thigh wrap with one of them to transition between weave style and butterfly style.Learn how to add turns to your transitions, ie fwd butterly --> turn 180 --> left thigh-wrap --> fwd weave.Once you have some solid transitions, try stringing them together. See if you can keep 2 of your series going one after the other. then try three...then keep going smileeventually you will be doing loads of beautiful moves all flowing together really well...its a bit like learning phrases, and then just stringing them together to sing the song rather than try to remember each letter individually in order (while you are singing).HTH,Josh[This message has been edited by [Josh] (edited 28 September 2001).]

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

I realize this isn't very helpful, but the more you do it, the more connections you'll form in your mind--you'll figure things out more and more. It just takes time actually working on it, and time for ideas to percolate in your subconscious.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

14 posts
Location: Greece

How do you go from mexican wave to low wave?I tried it and it looks almost impossible. frown

81 posts

EDITED_BY: Auger282 (1429499478)

2 posts
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA

I, too, am on that never ending quest for the BTB weave...but I discovered something recently that helped tremendously. Socks! Yes, socks...or rather, sock poi. *Much* softer than any of my other various practice poi, making the constant smacks in the face bearable for a longer period of time. Now if I could just figure out how to may my arms 2 inches longer...~Sinthia


14 posts
Location: Greece

Blood?while learning the BTB 3-beat weave,when I got over my fear of being hit,my face looked as if I was beaten(especially my nose and under my eye).People looked at me with sympathy...but I got over it smile~.about the mex wave-->low wave:The main point is turning my body 180 deg? [This message has been edited by fat_freddy (edited 29 September 2001).]

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Steal from others.No, really. I gain the most from watching others, and then, of course, adapting it to my style. I even have fun trying to mimic other's style. I won't ever claim it to be my own, but if I see someone dancing really low, or high, or rigid, or loose, I'll try it for a spin to see what I learn.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Thanks everyone for your help. I do use fire, and I haven't yet tried wraps-- are they more difficult to do with cables?

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

um - mexican to low wave - just do it. on the front / back change also move your hands down (or up). works fine for me putting a 180 body turn in there just makes it look nicer smilewraps with cables - hurt more when you pull em to get them to unwind with force...I use chains, and they are not ideal. I will amost always end up with some welts where the chain scrapes on my wrists...If you are trying wraps, *DO NOT* try them on fire til you can do it 99.9% of the time unlit.You have been warned.aside from that - wraps are the next coolest thing to btl moves - and tend to get a better reaction (IMHO)Josh

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