Selki poi uploaded by zuz

Final results

Selki poi

My hybrid sock poi I created - they remind me so much of flowing water, wild river, constantly moving, changing, they are perfect : beautiful handles are from HOP.
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Submitted on 2015-12-26 Views:3848
Selki poi

As picked by HoP
1. Immersion entered by roy gould
2. Eye See Spiralz entered by OctoBatFlow
3. Beach Sock Poi entered by Niballaza

No. 1
Sock Stalls
No. 2
Mt. Evans summit sock poi
No. 3
Street Flow
No. 4
Enter The Void
No. 5
No. 6
Hannah performing for the first time
No. 7
Eye See Spiralz
No. 8
Lock Sights
No. 9
Sock poi
No. 10
No. 11
el greñas!!!
No. 12
Black and White Simplicity
No. 13
Beach Sock Poi
No. 14
Selki poi

