Forums > Social Chat > Happiness and Glow-in-the-dark toys

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Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Okay folkx, I don't generally start many new topics, so please be gentle...

Whilst driving (badly) I randomly thought of an analogy that describes my concept of how happiness works, seeing as the state of happiness is the main reason for existing (i am more than a protozoa!)
When you're alone in the dark 4, you can shine a light around, and what light you see is reflected back.
When your light goes out, you're left with darkness.
But! if you shone a bit of your light at a glow-in-the-dark toy, you get to enjoy some light even after your light goes out.

..Now! (this is the bit where Mr Miyagi tells Daniel-san about significance of the wax-on wax-off shenanigans)..

I believe that the way that happiness works for me works in a very similar way.
My happiness isn't always switch on, but it has grown bigger, better batteries!
When my happiness is at it's greatest, it is reflected back from others, and all life is aglow for me.
When I shine my happiness onto others (the act of compassion, of generosity) they absorb the light. Now that i spend all my waking hours in such flux, there is a great reservoir of happiness whenever my light goes out.

Now for the relevance to other people - I have been meditating on why the simple truth of happiness eludes so many nice souls...
because too many people see the compassion and generosity in my nature as 'a waste of everyone's time' or an indulgence. It is these people who need to see the logic of this analogy.
They see no need to shine their 'light' on others, and are baffled as to why it's so dark when their own lights fade.
A central pillar to my life is that very pragmatism in compassion, generosity.
From a purely pragmatic standpoint, a reputation of honour serves a person well in life.
Many dismiss karma and lose the point.
With this in consideration, realise that I am actually quite selfish, greedy about compassion and generosity in this perverted way!

You see, happiness is a normal state if you build a great faith in compassion and generosity. The buzz of compassion is a deep, inward happiness borne of truth, and is more substantial than the fleeting happiness satifying lust, greed, pride...

There is such great truth in the wisdom of "Treating the world the way you wish the world to treat you." At one point in life, I did not and could not embrace this crucial truth. It is in this post that i want to share my experience of what effects placing a lot faith in compassion has had on my life.

Happiness! the reason of life!

I have defined my life in moments of transportation. It is the mind that wonders which causes traffic chaos! See my license plates on the raods and quake in fear!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Bender you're amazing. The way you are able to see things would be enviable if I practiced jealousy. If I can become half as evolved as you I will be content in my life.

Originally posted by bender™:
[QB]You see, happiness is a normal state if you build a great faith in compassion and generosity. The buzz of compassion is a deep, inward happiness borne of truth, and is more substantial than the fleeting happiness satifying lust, greed, pride...

There is such great truth in the wisdom of "Treating the world the way you wish the world to treat you." QB]
Well said.

Are we nearly there yet?

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Bender, I'm surprised to see we have a similar outlook on life.

I noticed at an early age that the best way to cheer myself up was to make someone else happy. spontaneous flowers for a lady at work, a little boy-scouting when people aren't expecting it, it's all a very easy way to make make your "light shine again" if you find yourself "in the dark".

Keeping it unexpected and a true surprise seems to be the onyl rule, and when they smile their light shines back at me and suddenly it's impossible not to smile back.

A bit simpler than your own explanation, but it realy is the best cure I've found for a lack of happiness...

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* Is it the Truth?
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KaliBRONZE Member
577 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

Bender that was an amazing analogy. It made me happy just reading it.

Beauty is the conscious sum of all our perversions.-Salvador DaliHope without action is hopeless.

flowingchaliceBRONZE Member
180 posts
Location: Leicester, uk

Hey Bender,

If we're really really gentle (lotus petals and gosamer wings gentle) will you start a few more? Maybe if we say puuurdy pweeeze?

Beautiful words spoken in truth. I'd love to know more about what you're studying at the mo too. Did you mention a course of some kind at one point? It sounds like a real journey.

There you go... material for more posts already! - cunning eh? pour it all out, my ears are thirsty and my spirit in need of a good shining.

~the chalice that first must be emptied before it may be filled~

Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside wakes C G Jung

RoziSILVER Member
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia


i love where you are coming from. & you just did the happiness reflection thing right then.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

Dont try to run from darkness because within darkness you can clearly see that the light and the dark are the same. Once you realise this there are no limits to what can be achieved within your soul and in your lovely and well described quest/achievement of happiness.

'It is these people who need to see the logic of this analogy'

Hats off to you bender! but remember you can only show them the way you CANNOT steer them towards it. In time they will see if they so choose to open their eyes to the reality of their own self.

Be very careful; some might not be very receptive, some might not like what you are trying to achive.

Love and hugs,


DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK


Bender, you got a diary? If so, about march time write in it 'take long car journey with Dom'. Ta.

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

alright, nobody hate me here, but im going to disagree.
well, not disagree, just have a slightly differenct opinion, if thats ok with you??

I refuse to think that happiness is the be all and end all of life. It is just an emotion. a Chemical manipulation of our mental state. Its not that difficult to make yourself happy. For example, go to a laughing class! Chortle it up for a good forty minutes, there... dont you feel happy?

I'd rather believe that the purpose of self fufilment, is inner peace, CONTENTMENT

i dont need to be outrageously happy to know that im ok, or that im having a positive influence on others. I dont need to give out a glow or a light and have it bounced back at me, to know deep within myself, that i am doing just great!

I dont feed of the reflected energy of others, because i get mine from a better source!

Sorry if this doesnt make any sense, And bender, much love to ya, you know how much i respect and admire your outlook on life, but i think possibly concentrating solely on happiness and emotion, doesnt allow you to grow as a human. Life is all things, pain, anger, joy and laughter. If you only ever focus on being happy, and giving out and getting in that energy.... Then are all other aspects of your life covered?

Yours in Pain, Joy and all else that is reality

Currently on the right side up of the world.

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

when I read 'happiness' in the context bender puts it across in I read more than the 'superficial' laughing happiness, rather a happiness formed of a calm heart and mind, contentment, self-aware. And it's not a denial of pain, but a calmness born of aceptance of all things.

A heart in balance with smiles and tears, love and fear. That's true happiness, where you feel all emotions and see the purpose in them all. All emotions are to be embraced, savoured and used to power our self improvement.

In summary, Flynt, I don't think you do disagree.

Oe maybe bender was talking about laughing classes for all

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

Dunno Dom, i know that Happiness the emotion, and Happiness the superficial outwards emotion are totally different.

Problem was, i was talking about both of them.
so maybe i do disagree after all.

I just look at it differently. I spend alot of my time being in pain. But im content. Define happiness in that situation and you will find it doesnt fit in? how can a person be in pain, or tired, or even miserable, yet still content. Im not happy 100% or even 70% of the time. But i dont need to be......


EDIT: and correct me if im wrong, but wasnt the whole reflected thing in benders point about feeding off the natural energies of other people? ie: the what you put out, karma gives back idea? i think thats the part i dissagree with really.

[ 25 October 2002, 15:22: Message edited by: Flynt ]

Currently on the right side up of the world.

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Flint, I believe your missing the point of what Bender is trying to say. I've known bender for quite some time and the only bender I have ever seen is the one that sends happiness to another person for that persons benifit. I have witnessed bender give energy to help repelenish other people and has done this as a selfless act not because he wishes to "feed" off their natural energies, because that would make him some sort of energy vampire wouldn't it? Belive me when I say that these Vampirc thoughts and processes are not part of bender's make up. He's working from a place of compassion and who are we to question another persons intention? See love for what it is, because when I think of bender all I can think of is what a great friend to me he was when I lived in Melbourne. Flint, try and raise your thought vibration to a place of love, not a place of suspicion. I understand that you may not be personally attacking bender but I feel your "feeding off the natural energies of other people?" quote was abit harsh you only need to know bender well, to see that he's heart shines through he actions.
Bender... employ your compassion and e-mail me...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

so i shant bother to post anymore, because i have a different opinion, and have just been told im telling bender 'he's a vampire?

When my happiness is at it's greatest, it is reflected back from others, and all life is aglow for me.

My point of veiw doesnt come from suspicion! its just my point of veiw! i see what bender is trying to say and Kudo's for him, but pardon me for having a different way of living my life! i dont dissagree with how he lives his, im just saying mine is different!

i do know bender, and i love and admire him! i think he's an ace bloke, im pretty sure i mentioned that in my first post. Bender has great thoughts and an amazing way of living his life, and he's very intelligent. But im not trying to attack him, and everything i wrote was not written out of disrespect, rather the opposite.

pardon me for not agreeing, but i just wanted to share an alternative point of veiw. I'm not trying to convert you, or make anyone upset, just having my two cents is all. I dont need to be told off for having my say....

Currently on the right side up of the world.

flash fireBRONZE Member
Sporadically Prodigal
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

We interrupt this program for a HOP community service announcement:

sweetie Flynt... breathe!

I know it sucks when you feel like you're being attacked.... I doubt Arsn meant any harm, and if he did well he shouldn't be taking shots at you here - NOT that I'm suggesting that is what has happened....

So, before this lovely thread dissolves into a defensive flame war, please everyone relax and feel free to post your contructive non-personal-attack opinions any time

Now, back to your normal programming....

HoP Posting Guidelines
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
If you can answer YES to these 4 questions then you may post a reply.

786 posts
Location: The Phire Kru

This has in fact annoyed me to the point where I am now very peed off!!!!

Arsn, could you really kiss Benders ass any more??

"Flint, I believe your missing the point of what Bender is trying to say. I've known bender for quite some time and the only bender I have ever seen is the one that sends happiness to another person for that persons benifit. I have witnessed bender give energy to help repelenish other people and has done this as a selfless act not because he wishes to "feed" off their natural energies, because that would make him some sort of energy vampire wouldn't it?"

What you fail to mention here is that Bender (being a human being like the rest of us and not the god-like deity you seem to portray him as) needs to take other people's energy just like people take his.

"Belive me when I say that these Vampirc thoughts and processes are not part of bender's make up. He's working from a place of compassion and who are we to question another persons intention?"

Who are we to question another person's intention?? How so hypocritical, you say that and then go on to take Flynts intentions in completely the wrong way and tell her she doesn't understand and she's got it all wrong!!!

"Flint, try and raise your thought vibration to a place of love, not a place of suspicion. I understand that you may not be personally attacking bender but I feel your 'feeding off the natural energies of other people?' quote was abit harsh you only need to know bender well, to see that he's heart shines through he actions."

Well, aren't you just the epitome of perfect thought? I happen to think that your whole post has been nothing but a bang out of line, insulting, hypocritical rant towards someone who was merely expressing their opinion!!!

Contrary to what you may be thinking about me right now, it's what you have written here and not who you are that has annoyed me, I am very aware that I have been saying things that might well upset and offend but going on the malicious feeling of this whole post I would not be surprised if people like Bender don't come back here because now there is just bad feelings.
I want to draw attention to the fact that Flynt has just been jumped on from several different sides for merely expressing her opinion, someone like me who comes in from the outside, not even having been part of this post before, and reading it from a completely neutral point of view sees what has happened and thinks "what the hell is going on here, this isn't a post about happiness anymore!!"

I just wish people would stop arguing for the sake of arguing, I am sick to the back teeth of it!! This is just the kind of thing that makes people leave HoP!!!

[ 25 October 2002, 22:16: Message edited by: Kurobei ]

whats up with all the limitations?

falloutboySILVER Member
433 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia, Earth, Milky Way, Universe

oh my.
quite ironic that this should happen here in this thread..
don't              you              think              ?              

[ 25 October 2002, 22:06: Message edited by: falloutboy ]

-As angels debate chance and fate-
i was riding through melbourne on a midget giraffe, things were peachy.

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

Originally posted by Flynt:
I'd rather believe that the purpose of self fufilment, is inner peace, CONTENTMENT...
I dont feed of the reflected energy of others, because i get mine from a better source!...

Flynt is correct. We musnt feed off others energy. You must breathe in energy from your sorrounding environment of nature.

Life is all things, pain, anger, joy and laughter

This is what I was talking about in my post. Seeing the darkness and the light because at the end of the day they are one in the same not bad or good.

Now it makes no sence to start going on about the chaos theory (cause and effect; what you do comes back to you) because to a certain extent it is true. We all have some karmic debt or another but this has nothing to do with bender's idea of his pursuit of happiness except thats the way he thinks he can achive it. Although I totally disagree with it being used in this way I do think that you do get what you feed into the stream.

ARSN: selflessness is not happiness. and it is not kindness... that only comes from the heart and not from helping others in that way. He should never encourage others to feed off his energy he should give it but not allow others to feed because he will then be prey and continue the cirlcle. Thats what we have to break free from.

"but pardon me for having a different way of living my life"

I'm sorry but I am with Flynt on this one... Not only are you guys being unsupportive of her opinion you are also arguing a point which should not be argued as it is a simple matter of fact that she does not agree. If you wanted to clarify your point to show what was meant in the original statements that would be different but dont down Flynt because she knows her way and the ways she copes with energies.

I must say that Kurobei has a point but this can still be a constructive discussion if people can manage to see the light and the dark and realise the are the same there is one energy not good not bad it just IS.

Until next time I hope you can all find a place of purity and high energy to maintain a discussion hich I think has begun to become constructive. Take from it what you may...

Much love and hugs,


ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Originally posted Kurobei
What you fail to mention here is that Bender (being a human being like the rest of us and not the god-like deity you seem to portray him as) needs to take other people's energy just like people take his.
Well first of all I want to say that I do not agree with this one little bit...People do not need to take another persons energy AT ALL. If we are respecting another persons right to free will then we draw on an energy that is much higher than another persons,(like the universal energy) why would we even WANT to take off another persons energy when we could be picking up all the negitivity that the other person may be carrying with them??? I do not profess to know bender or how he works but from the level of energy that the guy seems to work from,I do not feel that he would "need to take another persons energy" nor would a smart energy aware person stoop to the level that they would take energy from another... Arsn is correct in the sense that this would be considered a destructive way of energy exchange.
Kurobei... settle down tiger. Dont you think you are getting a wee bit personal towards Arsn and his opinion?
Originally posted by Kurobei
Arsn, could you really kiss Benders ass any more??
Pretty full on there huh? He isnt kissing anyones ass... otherwise I suppose you would have to include every other person who proclaimed how wonderful Bender was before this post got 'interesting' to say the least.Everyone else seems to be free to sing the praises of Bender... why cant Arsn? Maybe a slight case of double standards. Arsn did not once attack Flynt for her opinion he just pointed out things he didnt agree with, which every single person on this site has the right to do. You certianly excersied your right to do this Kurobei, dont you think? Fylnt asked to be corrected if she was wrong, and someone chose not to agree with her, that is her lesson... dont take on board her annoyance and get all fired up because you feel like playing a resucuer role.
Maybe you could step back for one moment and have a look at what Flash Fire wrote just before your post?
originally posted by Flash Fire
please everyone relax and feel free to post your contructive non-personal-attack opinions any time
Dont you think that your "hypocritical, bang outta line" comment was pretty personal and insulting? If you dont prehaps you may wanna look at your line of reasoning, because Arsn didnt once say that Flynt was wrong, he express his opinion on what she said.. In a pretty uninsulting way if you ask me.
In my opinion (god I really am taking my own life into my own hands when I say this...please dont attack me anyone...)DROME PIXIE I feel that you are coming from a really centered place with your opinion..there is no good energy and bad energy...there is just energy. Good call I say.
Arsn never means to harm anyone.Prehaps there is a miscommunication.
originally posted by Flynt
i do know bender, and i love and admire him! i think he's an ace bloke, im pretty sure i mentioned that in my first post. Bender has great thoughts and an amazing way of living his life, and he's very intelligent. But im not trying to attack him, and everything i wrote was not written out of disrespect, rather the opposite.
hunny this fact was never do not need to defend yourself because all that was pointed out was that your natural energys post was a little full on, thats all
originally posted by flynt
so i shant bother to post anymore, because i have a different opinion, and have just been told im telling bender 'he's a vampire?
you were never told you were calling bender a vampire, take the emotion out of it and see what was really written. What was posted was that if Bender WERE to do that type of stuff it would make him a energy vampire. Please dont get all up in arms about it, Yes your opinion was challanged, but dont let that deter you from posting again... doesnt having your opinion challenged help you... "grow as a human??"
EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN. My post has not been written to cause any disharmony for anyone. I (as bender does) work from a place of love and light and I feel that Benders original post was about happiness and his love of life... LETS JUST CELEBRATE THAT AYE????

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

falloutboy, completely agree. Great thread, but it got dragged down by over reaction. But putting that aside.

Define happiness in pain? Yep, I think it can be done but it is a definition thing, maybe a more Buddhist viewpoint would make more sense. A happy life is not necessarily one filled with laughter and no pain, but a balanced, content life, like you said and hopefully experience. There's several ways of taking pain (physical or emotional); accepting, coping and working around it is probably the most beneficial and doesn't have to detract much from your general sense of happiness. I'm finding it really hard to explain today, for some reason contact juggling springs to mind as a good analogy.

As to vampiric theft of happiness and sharing in happiness, most philosophies that aim for 'happiness' are pretty clear on the fact that happiness can not be attained by yourself or selfishly. So establishing compassionate interactions with others, sharing thoughts, emotions, lives, etc... is essential. Humans are social creatures, and socialising involves give, receive and take, all of which have crucial roles in our humanity.

Notice that word: receive. We all 'take' from other people, but it isn't taking if it's offered or broadcast to all, it's receiving. We all feed off energies broadcast by other people. All of us. There are NO exceptions to this rule.

Sometimes you need your friends and they'll give you support and love and you have to learn to receive that well, and vice versa. True friendships last when the giving and receiving add up over the course of your lives.

The more you give, the more you shall receive.

[ 26 October 2002, 02:15: Message edited by: Dom ]

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

heh heh it's always interesting how a thread turns out eh? I read this post the way a kid unwraps a birthday present..

First of all, no-one's wrong, actually
and i'd be a dang fool to pass judgement.
if you want see me pass something, I'll set up a toilet cam.

This thread simply was an offering of a viewpoint. To be taken or not.
It do not purport to define happiness itself, just a dynamic of it - amongst the many!
Obviously, we are all distinct in our own way (eww i have birthmarks ) and one person's source of joy is another's non-event. Thankfully, there is no smile police.

Just sharing a simple morsel of thought to consider - of how i often pursue happiness by pursuing compassion. It's okay to think it not work for yourself! Everybody has their own lil' recipes for a big bowl of joy-soup! All i offer here is just this one recipe. There are recipes for the fleeting and the lasting - it would just make me happy if even just a few others could absorb this recipe into their cookbook!

Also, all i claim to be is bloke who's simplified his life and chosen to enjoy what time i have here. If by choosing love over fear leads to the perception that i'm one-dimensional, then that's ok with me. One thing to know about me is that i'm hard to offend I wish to shed my need to impress, to be right, to win! and so i could not give a fluff if everything i said is one day proven wrong - so long as we're happier whilst being wrong
I value adding joy to the lives of others over personal correctness, man!

Lastly, I will refrain from shifting my posts on this thread to the definitions of fleeting and lasting happiness. I spend enough time talking about peace-happiness when I'm at the pub! lol personal annoying habit. Once i had to look up 'emasculating' after said conversations (if you want a thread about fleeting happiness, click)

i reserve me hug icons for special occasions, so ...ready?.....

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

*wades through crowd, dodging missiles & epithets to give Bender a hug*

Shame. So many interesting things said in this thread, unfortunate that they had to be said in anger.

Benders lovely idea of seeing your happiness reflected in those around you, doubling your pleasure.

Flynt's idea that you cannot just rely on the reflection of happiness to feel it (if you are happy in an empty room, or in a crowd where everyone is determined not to be happy, does it stop you feeling joy?).

The argument about when receiving happiness from another becomes taking their energy (I would say that the line can be drawn when the sender of the happiness feels their own happiness depleted rather than increased by the interaction).

The idea that a content life is a balanced life accepting of all things not just happiness

Pain, Joy and all else that is reality

The idea that in most situations, fear is a choice. You do not have to be afraid in most situations that the world brings, you just choose to.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Much love to you Bender.

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

queen of wandsmember
127 posts
Location: Melbourne

Woah, has shit hit the fan here! Go have a cup of tea people, it's not a cagematch... (though that would be quite interesting anyway )

Personally, I think happiness stems from confronting your own fears, insecurities and limitations that you and other people put on you and letting them go... Once you have that down pat, you can help others to be happy without draining yourself, and that energy that you give to others comes from a neverending source.

A street poet in Melbourne called Kenny once gave me this "stream of consicousness" he'd written which helped me a LOT, especially last year when my world fell to bits... It's a bit long but very beautiful and simple. I've had it nearly a year now.

"Please be gentle on yourself. If you are hard on yourself, but nice to other people, its like you are thirsty but you are pouring all your water into everybody else's glass...
If you are thirsty, and you are pouring water into everybody else's glass, EVERY SINGLE DROPLET of water you pour into everybody else's glass - when you are thirsty - WILL CONTAIN YOUR OWN THIRSTINESS!!!
And then, if other people don't give you water back, you blame THEM! You say: 'What the hell, i gave you all my water (my time, my energy, my love) and you didnt give me any water back?'
Thats why the destiny of the whole universe depends on you loving yourself, being gentle on yourself and FILLING YOUR OWN GLASS FIRST!
When you feel great about yourself, you perceive others in the same way... when you love yourself, you love others in the same way; and you in turn, will attract others who mutually love themeselves and you...
When you are happy within yourself, you experience more and more happiness everywhere you go..."

I'm not vegetarian, but currently I'm off my chops!

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Bender you have great abilties to make people smile . I think of it as say hmmm a natural happy chi . A lot of food for though has been posted on this subject im going to ponder many thoughts now.
Anyway stay cool !

Anyperson can acheive anything if they don't have fear in their hearts.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

yay! aside from discussing this one glowy recipe amongst the many for pursuing happiness, I'd like to also share the other aspect of happiness i was pondering whilst driving badly - waiting for happiness!
well, it's worth wondering how much of what little time I may have in this life to just be finally, 'ideally happy' - I had realised that the even the perception of 'ideal happiness' is a hurdle! so i just be .
I really don't want to wait a second longer to 'attain' happiness the way that many people tie happiness with finally obtaining job/car/mortgage. Such important goals are ultimately petty things when you consider that the billionaire and the beggar are both just as naked on the day they die. I choose to recognise this futility (but not fully yet! eg. i haven't shaved my head yet heh heh) and just simplified my concept of happiness. It won't make the sun rise earlier or make the world spin slower around me, but it will free me of the fretting over much of the pettiness in life. It's not a total change (parking tickets piss me off, ma'mam!) but the seed is there.

And remember, if you see me on the roads, I'll be the driver with the glazed eyes...

To anyone reading this thread, no matter how you see happiness and how you pursue it, may this discussion lend you more insight, as truer perception is a womb for internal strength! Peace, happiness, and a bloody great orgasm several times a week! :giggles:

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

Now THAT i agree with ......


Currently on the right side up of the world.

FireMikeZLaguna dude
1,438 posts
Location: Laguna, California, US

flash fire's got a good suggestion, but f*ck breathing right now, Rozi's got a better one

* GROUP HUG * and if you don't, you ain't DOING love

~ Mikie the ultimate satisfied happy hyper wonderfully supercomplex fluidly pulsing irregular shaped and unstably changing amoeba spilling an experimentally extending pseudopodia out of protozoan birth

molten cheers,

~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!)
Laguna, California, US

249 posts
Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

that is deep, real deep. if i commented on everything id be here al night, but in summary, i think its great that you can all have a valid opinion, im not really sure about how i see happiness with all these analagys flying around the room, but bender; i thought your little (ahem) reflection there was beatiful

back to studying...

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

another way you can see it is that it is a modest way to affect positive change in society - a direct way of providing the inertia needed for humanity to act... with humanity!
"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
-Mark Twain
i like liking!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

ima bump this cus i likes yoo!

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -H H the Dalai Lama
EDITED_BY: bender™ (1086329462)

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

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