学ぶ Hybrids - Pentagram (hands together)

Poi - pentagram (hands together)

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BRONZE Member since Mar 2010
  Published on 27 Dec, 2010

if you don't already know your star shape it is a definite prereq. you can find a beautifully explained star shape tutorial under the linear extension section. well as usual my camera cut me off at the end so if you want a tutorial for the plane bent pentagram just let me know.also,i dont know why i didn't think of this at the time, but the star shape works really well as star vs iso while following the isolated poi head and it can be switched off between hands fairly easily. (star vs left hand iso, star vs right hand iso)

alright after even more play with the pentagram i found that it works really well with the star hand following a unit circle pendulum, too! you can do that one with the star hand following the unit circle pendulum hand (super difficult) or with the star hand following the unit circle pendulum poi head (much easier) LEARN THESE VARIATIONS AND THINK OF MORE!

Last modified on 1 Feb, 2011


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Member #124417
Reged: Dec 2010
Post2nd May 2012 11:58 AM 

*Pentagram Vs Extension

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