5 juggling staff in wall plane uploaded by jugglivan

Final results

5 juggling staff in wall plane

I think it is a good photo because in the whole world there are few who manage to make 5 staff thrown and also keep them in the air without falling, now I am one of those few, I hope to inspire many to achieve their challenges, I share This photo home of poi friends thank you.
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Submitted on 2017-01-11 Views:5185
5 juggling staff in wall plane

As picked by HoP
1. Not the average dragon entered by Curtis_Husted
2. Hoop Club Madnes entered by m0j0j0j0
3. Balancing in the Sunset entered by Gypsy Bella

No. 1
3 poi
No. 2
Eva Lou Hoops
No. 3
contact staffs
No. 4
Twisted in Thailand
No. 5
Home Ingroovement
No. 6
Balancing in the Sunset
No. 7
Not the average dragon
No. 8
No. 9
Hoop Club Madnes
No. 10
Double Swords
No. 11
5 juggling staff in wall plane
No. 12
Dueling Lights
No. 13
No. 14
!!! Freedom !!!
No. 15
Color my World
No. 16

Bulletin HOP

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