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Profile for borelais

Registered on: 14th Mar 2017
Total posts: 3

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

Hey, guys my dog just peed all over the carpet and now though the stain is gone, the carpet smells really bad. I am not a big fan of chemicals and I would like to get rid of the smell ...

My favorites are Titanium and Cheap Thrills.

Hey, guys, I am new here and I just joined up. It's great to be a part of this community and I am looking forward to having a good time here :)

Follow your Friends

Poi-veil Japan
Chapelle ardente
Fire poi from Rick Hawk
Maddest Hatter
MuseumNight FanFlow
Around The Axis
Hard Rock Cafe
Fire makes me smile!
Flammable Water
Bug eyes!
Canyon Caps
Fire in the hills
Light and Nerdy
LEDs yet fiery
Beats and Swing LED Madness
Hybrid Dino Hoop
Double trouble
led and fire poi
Firey Dragon
Gak tau namanya apa
M25 Burn
indian thrills
Lady Crowley cosplay and her silk flame colored fans
Star Power!
Fan darkness
The Beauty In Life
No hands, just spin
Glow in the dark Burning Man

Bulletin HOP

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