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Profile for Nicholas_Ducker

SILVER Member since May 2013
Registered on: 15th May 2013
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

Hey! I'll be moving up to Denver on the 9th and then up to Boulder a couple days later. Flick me an email on nick_ducker@live.com!


Pair of Sock Poi with Carry Bag  
31st May, 2013
Pretty good deal!
"Bought these whilst I was in America and got them shipped to Australia. Arrived 8 day's after I ordered them. For what you pay its a pretty solid deal! No loops which is fine but they do stretch out which isn't really an issue. Awesome colour! Super bright."
Ducker, Australia.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since May 2013

Follow your Friends

Fairy Circus
Poi in Grey
Living in Flames
Firefly and Fans
Fire and Ice
hoop trick
Mermaid Portal
Visual poi
i <3 fire
Bowing Down to the Himalayas
Lyra Love x2
Tri Sci-Fi
Contact Prowl
Take me to Neverland
Earth mode: ON!
Sidewalk Spit
In flame
Zebra party!
Sparks in a cave
6 beat anti-spin flower
zen flow
Sexy Showgirl
Wings of Fire
Praying to the Fire God
And though she is little, she is fierce.
Contact Fireball
Infinito Cempasuchitl.

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