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Profile for Anequantum

SILVER Member since Sep 2012
Registered on: 29th Sep 2012
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

Dear HOP community,I did not find this in the forum, I hope there's not already a thread with that topic.I am very interested in colored flames. As probably most of you know, you can bu...

Vivaldi - Four Seasons, works if you're good with poi. I'm not, it's still a lot fun. I think it works very good for performances.Also I like goth/rock, "ASP" has some nice sl...

Dear Pyrodanza,Thank you for your reply, it helped a me a great deal.I was trying and spinning now for 2 weeks and I used "medical fuel" which I bought at the drug store. I ma...

Follow your Friends

Hand Wrap Focus
Ethereal Embers
the circle of fire
Contact Juggling Wizard
Creeping around upsidedown
Fire and Ice
Fire Hand
Sunset on fire
don´t hide
Circle of Smiling Flames
Psychedelic Mind - LED
double fire problem
Zen fans
Scary face with hat
Handcuffed face spin
Arde la magia
Double Fire Hooping in the Dead of Winter
the phoenix
Burning head
Swirl twirl
Black as Night
Love Flow
Poison Ivy 🔥
pop up poi with better lights :-)
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