Forums > Social Chat > does anyone poi in San Francisco Bay Area?

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10 posts

does anyone poi in san francisco bay area? coz i poi and fire spin here in the philippines and i'll be going to SF in 2 weeks so i was wondering.. to all SF spinners.. lets all get together and learn tricks from each other yeah? send me a personal message if ever you're down with that. thanks

AsenaGOLD Member
What a Bummer
3,224 posts
Location: Shatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Ahoy there!!

Try the "meet others" section, I'm sure you'll find someone... I tink Khan spins and plays in San Fran... Give him a PM smile

10 posts

aryt man, thanks! who's khan by the way?

41 posts

The meet others section is kinda useless for us in the States... frown
I'm In the SF bay area, there is poi stuff every tues and Thurs night around town, i'd love to get together and play!!
Email me or msg me on here smile

sketchGOLD Member
Empirically random...
431 posts
Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

also some areas have a thread in the events/gatherings section, But.....

This is not the events/gatherings section!!!!

"This dark place planet Earth, orbits one star,
Come from afar, far away state of mind,
open up your third eye, black helicopters in the sky"

DraedenWrenSILVER Member
1 post
Location: Fairfield, CA USA

I know this is an old message, but I'm looking for any poi groups who are between Sacramento and San Francisco.. I'm new to spinning and would love to find a place/group who'll teach..


Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

And this is a little off topic, but I will be up in Oakland on the 9th of next month, and I'd love to meet some HoPpers. I'm going to Noel-ski's staff workshop so itd be great.

Sorry Draedean only people i know are Noel and a couple others in that group, from what it seems, they have a facility that does training/workshops you can prolly look them up on here or on for sure. Good luck.


Owned by Mynci!

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