57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

I serached a bit in the forum, and I could not find anything about this.

I began spinning (first poi, the staff and doubles) almost 4 years ago. I never danced before, I was the "I don't dance, I don't like dancing, I cannot dance" kind of guy. I used to juggle, but by then I was already bored by balls and clubs (I still do some contact, though); no dancing there, either.
The first months of learning were just about new tricks, learning as a juggler. After a while I realized I liked the most people that did not do A LOT of things, but that were smooth, that had style.
And began to work on that: no new moves for maybe 6 or 8 months. Just becoming smooth (I now know I was working on planes and routines; I did not, then)

And then it hit me: I was dancing.
I really was, and I loved it, and I was not bad at it.
I got asked were I learnt, and so on.
And wanted to get better.

I have been working mostly on THAT, in the last years. And now I am looking for more: I'd like to study a bit of dancing: to know where to put my legs, to find a different way of being smooth.
Now: I did some capoeira, and now I am practicing contact improvisation. I love them, but I am not sure they are what I need.
The question is: is there anyone else that began taking dance lessons to improve the spinning-firedancing? What worked better?
I know there are quite many spinners that got dance lessons in previous incarnations: any ideas? hints? What should a spinner look for?

(If I manage to learn the split, like I am AGAIN trying to, I WILL try ballet lessons, for a while; or at least modern dance)

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Check out Kila and Afro Celt...


Getting to the other side smile

fluffy napalm fairyCarpal \'Tunnel
3,638 posts
Location: Brum / Dorset / Fairy Land

also Celtica biggrin

Geologists do it in the dirt................ spank

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

Kila, Afro Celt, Celtica,,,,thanks. I'll fire up the P2P and see what I can get. I've never heard of any of those three, and unfortunately, our local import music store closed down six months ago, so I can't buy any of this stuff ubbcrying I'm happy I got their one and only Shooglenifty cd though
Surprisingly , I've found the Corrs have some great instrumental stuff buried in amongst the pop.

BansheeCatBRONZE Member
1,247 posts
Location: lost, Canada


offtopic Who was it that wanted some trancey electronica? Check out the label Interchill. They have some fabulous world /psy/ trance/ambient mixes. Good friends of mine, so I might be biased, ;-) but lots there I like to spin to!

Also, Ganga Giri, another friends band for completely different vibe, to get up and jump around.Drums, Digeri, electronica...

I still love to dance to Loreena Mikennits ( Sp?!) Beltaine Song. Poi, belly dance, it lends itself tomany kinds of movement both slow and fast, excellent rhythm, and has a nice build in intensity.

"God *was* my co-pilot, but then we crashed, and I had to eat him..."

dawn2duskBRONZE Member
34 posts
Location: Italy

Oh yeah, this is just the topic I was lookin for!!! This is exactly what I've been trying to do. I think that I am only a little performer by now redface, i' m not a great spinner or a professional mover, but this is because I was trying to do exactly what you've been discussing till now for a year (that' s the time I' ve been juggling with poi)... The matter is that I can' t put together the plans theory and the dance. When I dance I [censored] the plans theory, and I think this is not very good because of the effects on watchers, I think it' s a kind of chaos, but when I dance I cannot THINK about my movements, I only let myself into the music and my legs and arms move themselves without the help of reason. This is why I' m in a little bit of chrisis (sorry for my English) and because of my mania to HAVE A STYLE and not to MAKE MOVEMENTS (I think like Aliosha that it' s more important the style than the movements) I' m in trouble and I' m struggling to find a way to do that. Plans and dance: is it possible? I saw Yuta's video and I think so, but THINKING about the plans while dancing, isn' t it a way to limit yourself's movements?

... frown I dunno!!! I know Acciaio and I understand what he says about his style, it' s true, it' s a bit rigid, but it' s wonderful how he can manage with all that movement-and-tricks stuff... I' m really living a chrisis in my way of poi-spinning >_<

***Feelings are anarchist - I feel - I am an anarchist***

Mr_widdeat my face before i eat yours
253 posts
Location: Torquay, UK

guys as a dancer i think that i have identifed a few problems in what you are trying to do. Ever thought of putting the poi down and just enjoying the music first? i mean there is no feeling like spinning poi to some good toonage but if you want to do it well then you have to be able to shake that ass first. I recomend that those of you wanting to learn how to dance well is just to watch other people, music videos etc and pick up the moves and style you like. Use this to learn from, copy if you want to. The most important thing about learning to dance well is that it is compleatly up to you what you do, there are little or no rules or set moves in freestyle dancing. Let go and just love it. My advise to get confidence up in learning is to keep your elbows and your head up high. listen to some funky house
(right clicky and saveage) this is some coolio toons i find for dancing to. or if you like some hardstyle toonage, give this a go.
(same) I even do private dance lessons, ask nate biggrin
EDITED_BY: poi-poi nick (1138029509)

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

i got two and half words: capoeira rocks yeh!

Non-Https Image Link

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

i wish i could take a class called "Foot sweeps and you... a guide to a better tomorrow"

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

dawn2duskBRONZE Member
34 posts
Location: Italy

I' ve found ... they give DANCE LESSONS for poi spinners... but I think it' s in Chicago... groan... =_=
(their videos are GREAT!!!)

***Feelings are anarchist - I feel - I am an anarchist***

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Written by: dawn2dusk

(I think like Aliosha that it' s more important the style than the movements)

I think that?
Well, yes, mostly when I am with people with an awesome technique and very stiff. Then, when I am with people that flow and with no technique, I think they need moves.
In a (Swedish) word: lagom. The magic is the middle way.

Now, other things:
>The matter is that I can' t put together the plans theory and the dance.
weird me, no matter what, I CANNOT dance if I don't use the plane theory. I feel dirty, not nice.
Even too much, I have to CONSCIOUSLY change planes if I am performing for a circle of watchers, and I don't like it too much.
>I saw Yuta's video and I think so, but THINKING about the plans
>while dancing, isn' t it a way to limit yourself's movements?
let's go all metaphoric again: I am learning German now, for the no small reason I am trying to live in Berlin (minus 20 celsius, yoh!). Now: every time I try to speak, I slow down trying to remember the right pronouns, the word I forget, the grammar, the dative and genitive, the verb declination, all that stuff. After a while I switch back to English, feeling rotten. HOW CAN YOU COMMUNICATE AND THINK TO ALL THAT STUFF?
The point it: you don't. English is not my mother language, nor French nor Swedish: but I can have a nice conversation without thinking about the grammar. I had to learn it, it was difficult; and then I forgot it, and something else (a part of me I don't consider me, something there inside) thinks about it, makes it happen.
The same with moves: when I think about the moves, I become stiff, I don't flow. Last time I REALLY changed my style (learning to integrate isolations and suchlike) I was feeling stiff, I did not like dance anymore. And then, after some months of "I am awful", the magic happened again.
You need both. And you cannot skip the "I think about something that should be automatic" part, since you HAVE to get there.

> bender
dunno, I really think that capoeira does NOT help. Not much hip movement, and the footwork (at least the angola palmares one, my style) does not integrate too well with the poi, it's supposed to allow you to feint and dodge and attack, not to RELLY REALLY dance.
I would not mind learning the aerial, though; I gave up.

>Ever thought of putting the poi down and just enjoying the music first?

of course, that's what I do

>I recomend that those of you wanting to learn how to dance well is just to watch
>other people, music videos etc and pick up the moves and style you like

that's what I did, up to now. (there must be a reason people used to ask if I was a professional dances, after my performances) I just think I need some STRUCTURED moves. I am looking for a bellydance and a taiji course here in Berlin.
I still don't know how to say bellydance in German (Bauchtanz? Well, my spellchecker says it exists, I could be on the right track)

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

30 posts
Location: colerne nr Bath

I was really interested in your take on the relationship between dance and spinning. At the moment I am training to be a contemporary dancer but i have also spun for about 3 years. And I know totally what you mean when you say once you start thinking about it, things become stuck. My Dad is also a capoeira teacher and i have done a bit of that. I don't think capoeira really helps my spinning, i'd definitely say contemporary dance really has improved the way in which i move when i spin.
Anyway it's nice to know people are thinking about dance!

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: hints? What should a spinner look for?

Aliosha, I don’t do martial arts, can’t dance either, but I have lots of opinions biggrin

As far a body movement goes, I don’t think there is a lot of difference between dance and martial arts. There’s even a photo in my friends ninja book of a master ninja and a Latin dancer, dancing. The caption points out the similarity of both arts.

Capoira is a dance, and when you say “..not much hip movement, and the footwork (at least the angola palmares one, my style) does not integrate too well with the.... ” I’m thinking that may be your problem; not enough hip movement. Perhaps some middle eastern dance would help.


If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

Mr_widdeat my face before i eat yours
253 posts
Location: Torquay, UK

a friend has just done this vid for me for my birthday. its of me dancing at the club i am head dancer of. no poi though, but just to let you know what kind of dancing i do. hope you enjoy.

2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

holy bazookas. that party looks like great fun except for the part where the pretty laser beam comes through and fries everybody's retinas to a crisp. who trained that person to set up a laser like that? scary. if you have any relationship to management i'd suggest moving that thing somewhere else...

-Such a price the gods exact for song: to become what we sing
-Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-When the center of the storm does not move, you are in its path.

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Written by: Stone

As far a body movement goes, I don’t think there is a lot of difference between dance and martial arts. There’s even a photo in my friends ninja book of a master ninja and a Latin dancer, dancing. The caption points out the similarity of both arts.

Well, exception mate that one (dancing) goes with the music, and the other does not need to (of course, it goes with it's internal music; but that's a different thing).
They both make you smooth (in different ways, and it depends on the dance/martial arts), but, well, for following the music, I DO think one is better than the other.

Written by: Stone

Capoira is a dance, and when you say “..not much hip movement, and the footwork (at least the angola palmares one, my style) does not integrate too well with the.... ” I’m thinking that may be your problem; not enough hip movement. Perhaps some middle eastern dance would help.

Dunno, capoeira is a martial art, capoeira is a kind of music, capoeira is a lifestyle.
How can you say "capoeira is a dance", that's it? My style of capoeira is not very danced, at all. And, still, I don't think the capoeira footwork, the jinga, is very useful for spinners. I was trying it out the other day, it just don't make sense to me.

>I’m thinking that may be your problem; not enough hip movement
OF COURSE it's my problem! It's not like I am trying to solve the "hunger in the world" thingie or so. I mean, I would not mind, but I would not know where to start; while I know I have to start taking dance classes.

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

alphalightGOLD Member
103 posts
Location: south germany

amigo del luz
ciao de alemania
mannheim is talking

we are planning to put some dancers and spinners together in a big pot and mix it for one day
it will be soon so if u are interested just send doro on goldorox a mail
come down u can sleep in our flat esta no problemo
for berlin i know a girl dancer studiying at the university she is one of the best there i´m sure she got some contacts for u
so if u are bounce2 let us know
by the way capitain arashi let us some keys in our brain we just try to find the doors for them some fit in the lock but the doors are huge and heavy

peace light and bauchtanz ; )

hier wird dir geholfen
ap + doro

peace and light

alphalightGOLD Member
103 posts
Location: south germany

amigo del luz

ciao de alemania

mannheim is talking - 8 degrees

we are planning to put some dancers and spinners together in a big pot and mix it for one day

it will be soon so if u are interested just send doro on goldorox a mail

come down u can sleep in our flat esta no problemo

for berlin i know a girl dancer studiying at the university she is one of the best there i´m sure she got some contacts for u

so if u are bounce2 let us know

by the way capitain arashi let us some keys in our brain we just try to find the doors for them some fit in the lock but the doors are huge and heavy

peace light and bauchtanz ; )

hier wird dir geholfen

ap + doro
EDITED_BY: alphalight (1138568648)

peace and light

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Aliosha, well how about doing something then, like starting ta dance class.

bust a move


If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Written by: Stone

Aliosha, well how about doing something then, like starting ta dance class.

Ohhh, thanksalot, I did not even think about that!
Now I'll start a thread on HoP asking about what dance classes I should take, and–



"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

faith enfireBRONZE Member
wandering thru the woods of WI
3,556 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

so far i found that as a beginner (really really beginner) movement is difficult cause i am still trying to get that feel and rhythm with poi
but i need to get comfortable and relax so i like to try and include a little latin and belly with a heavy drum beat lend themselves well to this, right now i like the karminske experience
take comfort all you beatless people you are not alone tongue

Nay, whatever comes one hour was sunlit and the most high gods may not make boast of any better thing than to have watched that hour as it passed

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Aliosha, just start something.

Did you check the free lessons at bust a move?


If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Look, bustamovefanboy, since I am dancing 3 nights a week and training 3 nights a week, would you care to gimme your bustamove-8-days-per-week-gizmo so that I can start something else?


And, yes: I don't care for salsa, waltz is something you learn in one hour (I waltz on stilts, thankyouverymuch), swing, oh, COME ON, swing and spin?
And foxtrot.
Ok. Next time I have to dress up for a 1920 party, I know where to look to learn foxtrot.
Thanks. I am in debt.

So: do you get a share of the money they charge?

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Aliosha, wot’s your problem?

U don’t like the free bustamove hip hop lessons. The fox trot and swing are too difficult. Salsa’s too hot for you. Hmmm, looks like will never learn to move your hips or grind or booty.

Last suggestion, try the gumboot shuffle. and learn about dance.

What's not shared is lost.


If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Stone, what is YOUR problem?

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I don't have any problems here shrug

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)


Getting to the other side smile

57 posts
Location: Berlin, somewhere

Written by: Stone

I don't have any problems here shrug

Maybe that's the problem

"Angels fly because they don't take themselves too seriously"
G.C. Chesterson

FireByNiteSILVER Member
Are you up for it??
349 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

ubblol ubbrollsmile ubbrollsmile ubblol spank

mayhap someone got out of bed the wrong side today

Stone - cheers for the link to that bustamove site. Im in the process of trying to mix poi with dance at the mo.... No I haven't danced in years so here goes heaps of energetic practice for me biggrin

Are you up for it?

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

smile i like happy people smile
sono e felicita!
happy happy happy!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

KaelGotRiceGOLD Member
Basu gasu bakuhatsu - because sometimes buses explode
1,584 posts
Location: Angels Landing, USA

I think someones missing the point of silliness in this thread. ubbloco

First ask yourself-

"Is there ONE RIGHT way to DANCE with poi?"

The answer is no.

If you take any dance style, or martial arts, or any type of movement and integrate it with your spinning, I'm sure you'll find the one way to dance with poi that is uniquely your own and makes you biggrin

Look at Nick's exaggerated smooth clowny style born from yoga and moving circles down the spine, watch oli's crazy monkey madness with quick direction changes and longarm with isolations, or yuta's martial artist jumps and kicking, Andy/poibox simple clean moves, or fluffy napalm fairy's hip moving wink

There is no one right way to dance with the poi.

Just find what suits your personality and aquire/steal it for your dancing wink

Ta smile

To do: More Firedrums 08 video?

Wildfire/US East coast fire footage

LA/EDC glow/fire footage

Fresno fire


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