Lernen Flowers - Antispin Butterfly Flower

Poi - Antispin Butterfly Flower

64,424 views  Media uploaded by Derek_Faughn on 30 Jul, 2009   Video Download
GOLD Member since Mar 2004
  Published on 28 Aug, 2006

Nächster Lesson

Each arm is going in an opposite direction, and each poi is going in the direction opposite to the respective arm. Rotating your body is very helpful and makes it easier to keep the poi in the wheel planes.

Stepping back opens up your hips. Step back with the leg that is on the side of the arm that is back

Additional notes: The timing changes are done on purpose.

Last modified on 8 Sep, 2007

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Uploaded by fNi
17,673 views • 8 Oct, 2007


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Member #86712
Reged: Jan 2009
Post1st Mar 2009 12:13 PM 

I've yet to get this one looking good. Very tough =|

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HOP kreisförmig

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